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Upcoming Classes Taught By BIPOC Instructors

Did you know? We have a ton of upcoming classes taught by BIPOC instructors. Take a look at our list of upcoming seminars and multi-week classes below and register today. Scholarships are available!


Start your writing journey with these introductory classes.


Generate first drafts and new material in these classes— ideal for both beginners and more experienced writers.


Advance your mid-stage projects with our intermediate classes.


Take your work to the next level with our advanced revision-focused classes.


These classes focus on a range of topics, including preparing book-length projects, exploring key elements of getting your work publication-ready, and demystifying the publishing world.

Deep Dives: Explore and Perspective

Dive into specialized topics or unique genres.

And there’s more! You can browse through upcoming GrubStreet classes on the website here.