Special Note:

Space Closure—Due to the likely arrival of inclement weather tomorrow, Thursday, February 6th, we will be closing the GrubStreet Community space, no in-person classes or membership access.

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For emerging writers, teachers, and more!

GrubStreet offers unique fellowships that support writers and writing instructors in developing their craft and finding writing community that can sustain them for years to come. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we are able to provide free classes, mentorship, working artist stipends, and professional development to passionate writers and educators each year.

Teen Summer Writing Fellowship The Fellows

The Teen Summer Writing Fellowship is an intensive, three-week creative writing program for young writers. Through classes, workshops, and readings, students will generate new work, learn about the craft of writing, and gain knowledge of the writing/publishing world. In the tradition of adult writing fellowships, each student will receive a stipend of $800 upon completing the program and successfully completing its requirements.

Emerging Writer Fellowship The Fellows

The Emerging Writer Fellowship aims to develop new, exciting voices by providing three writers per year tuition-free access to GrubStreet’s classes and several key publishing/industry events. Over the course of one year, each Emerging Writer Fellow will attend a combination of seminars and multi-week courses of their choosing, along with a wide selection of other topical programming, in order to enhance their understanding of craft and the publishing industry.

Teaching Fellowship for Black Writers The Fellows

GrubStreet’s Teaching Fellowship for Black Writers provides financial & professional development support to two Black writers interested in teaching classes, participating in events, and working with our instructors and staff to deepen our curriculum. The fellowship includes compensation of $25,000, artistic mentorship, and access to the GrubStreet community and the Muse conference.