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Holiday Hours—Our offices will be closed Tuesday 12/24 through Thursday 12/26 and Tuesday 12/31 through Wednesday 1/1. The Travelmug Café will be closed Monday 12/23 through Wednesday 1/1.

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2022-2023 Emerging Writer Fellows

Antonia Yang is a multi-medium creative who was born in New Orleans, raised in Han Dan, China, and grew up in Boston, MA. She graduated from Northwestern University in 2014, where she studied filmmaking and applied mathematics. Antonia loves to explore intersections between disciplines, cultures, and generations through painting, film, and fiction. In 2021, she was awarded an Author Fellowship at the Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing Conference. Antonia currently works in biotech marketing. She resides in Somerville, MA with her 10-year-old cockapoo, and is working on her first novel. Find her on Instagram at: @antonstingly119.

What are you most excited about with this fellowship?

I am most excited about developing long lasting relationships with the community of mentors and fellows I’ll get to interact with throughout this fellowship.

Destiny Lopez (she/her) is a partially deaf, Puerto Rican storyteller that is passionate about amplifying marginalized voices. Her work, which has been featured in Teen Vogue and Bustle, reflects on disability, generational trauma and marianismo. When she isn’t writing, Destiny works in the non-profit sector, organizing unscripted events on topics such as disability arts and racial justice. In true Taurus fashion, she often procrastinates finishing her latest draft by reading a good book, binge-watching a new show or spending time with her three nieces. You can find her sharing anecdotes about her fabulous Wela and other relatives on Twitter and Instagram at @cafeconlactaid.

What are you most excited about with this fellowship?

I am most excited to fine-tune my passion into a craft while building community with and learning from other writers!

Anasazi Chavez writes stories about family mythology. She was born in Fresno, California and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. Anasazi attended Mills College in Oakland, California. She currently lives in Massachusetts.

What are you most excited about with this fellowship?

I am thrilled to grow as a writer with GrubStreet. I’m so excited for the opportunity to work and learn with others in the GrubStreet community.