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How to Apply

Submission Requirements

  • The first 50 pages of the novel you plan to work on in the program.
  • A brief personal statement (600 words maximum) describing your novel idea, why you feel the Novel Immersive for LGBTQ+ Writers can help you write it, and what you’re hoping to receive from a queer-only creative writing environment.
  • Reference from a GrubStreet instructor or equivalent workshop leader. No letter is necessary. There is a place on the application form to list your reference and their contact info.
  • Experience in at least one workshop at GrubStreet or an equivalent writing center, MFA program, or conference. There is a place on the application form to list the titles & dates of previous workshops.

Tuition and Fellowships

The cost of the program is $2,595. Admitted students will be given a specific payment deadline. Generally, tuition is payable in full one week prior to the first day of class, or in two installments with 50% due one week before the first day of class and the second payment due on or before the start of Phase 2. Payment plans of up to 4 installments are available, with final payment due no later than Week 2 of Phase 2.

Fellowships of 25% - 75% tuition are available and based on a combination of merit and financial need. Applicants can apply for a GrubStreet Fellowship at the end of their application to the program.


Applications for the 2024-2025 Novel Immersive for LGBTQ+ Writers is now closed. The application deadline was March 26, 2024. The next application cycle will open at the end of the year.

Please note that the upcoming round of the Novel Immersive for LGBTQ+ Writers will take place remotely on Zoom.