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Join the Director's Circle

Join GrubStreet's Director's Circle

For many students, the chance to study creative writing is a true gift made possible by GrubStreet’s supporters like you. At GrubStreet, our tuition revenue covers 50% of the cost to run our programs, but the other 50% comes from the generosity of Director's Circle Members who help make GrubStreet an inclusive and vibrant community.

Many talented writers in our growing community face systemic inequities. Since 2019, thanks to the generosity of supporters like you, GrubStreet has increased awarded scholarship funds by 73%. But as our community grows and students join from 49 states and 44 countries across the Globe, we’ve seen an increase in scholarship applications.

Director's Circle donors support GrubStreet’s worldwide creative community by making an annual commitment to GrubStreet at the leadership level of $1,000 and above. With your support, GrubStreet brings thousands of people together each year to create, learn from different perspectives, discuss and address timely issues, and celebrate the power of storytelling.

Give by Check

Send your donation to:
50 Liberty Drive, Suite 500
Boston, MA 02210

Give by Stock or Wire Transfer

Contact Director of Development Mariona Lloreta at: [email protected] or (617) 695-0075.