Special Note:

Emerging Writer Fellowship—Deadline to apply is Monday March 10th at 11:59pm ET.

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Frequently Asked Giving Questions

Giving FAQ's

GrubStreet, formed in 1997, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law. Learn more about many commonly asked giving questions below.

Answers to many common GrubStreet Giving and Membership Questions:

Giving Membership

Is my non-membership donation to GrubStreet tax deductible?

  • Unless otherwise specified, donations to GrubStreet are fully tax-deductible within the limits of the law.

What is Grubstreet’s Tax ID/EIN?

  • GrubStreet’s tax ID is EIN: 80-0005516

Does GrubStreet accept Stock gifts or Wire Transfers?

  • Yes! GrubStreet does accept Stock Gifts and Wire Transfers. To give via stock or wire, please contact Director of Development and Engagement, Mariona Lloreta, at [email protected] or 617-695-0075

Can I donate to GrubStreet if I have a donor-advised charitable fund?

  • Yes! Please contact Director of Development, Mariona Lloreta at [email protected] or 617-695-0075

My employer matches my giving. Does GrubStreet accept matching contributions?

  • Yes, GrubStreet accepts matching contributions from employers. Please email [email protected] if you or your employer have any questions about how to set this up.

How can I make a monthly donation to GrubStreet?

  • Thank you for your interest in becoming a monthly giver to GrubStreet! Monthly giving is simple; on our give page, simply toggle to the yellow arrow that says "monthly," select your desired giving amount, and complete the checkout cart on Stripe. The amount you select will be charged to your card on file monthly.

Will I receive a copy of my tax receipt?

  • Yes! Once your gift has been processed, you will receive a copy of your tax receipt via an emailed letter, or it can be mailed upon request. If you need a copy of your tax letter or think you may not have received your tax letter, contact [email protected] and we will be happy to send it to you.

I give every month. When will I get my tax letter?

  • You will get your tax letter with a summation of your yearly contributions at the end of the year.

What’s GrubStreet’s address to send a check?

  • 50 Liberty Drive, Suite 500, Boston MA 02210

How do I redeem my membership benefits?

  • Your GrubStreet membership benefits are easy to redeem. Most benefits, including any codes needed to redeem discounts/free classes, will be detailed in the membership letter you will receive once joining.
  • Discounts on GrubStreet classes will apply automatically on your GrubStreet account.
  • A GrubStreet membership provides discounts and multiple bookstores and your benefits vary by bookstore; contact the bookstore directly to redeem your member benefits. To see a list of participating vendors who provide GrubStreet Member benefits, learn more here.
  • If you have questions about your benefits, or can’t find your membership letter, email [email protected]; we are happy to send you a new copy.

Is my membership tax deductible?

  • For the Under35 and Individual Membership: The entire value of this membership contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
  • For the Sustaining Membership: $70 dollars of this $145 membership contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law

How do I get my free GrubStreet seminar or workshop as a benefit of my Sustaining or Literary Advocate Membership?

  • The code to redeem your seminar or workshop membership benefit will be included in the membership letter you will receive once joining.
  • If you have questions about your free class code, or can’t find your membership letter, email [email protected]; we are happy to send you a new copy.

How can I give the gift of a GrubStreet membership to someone else?

  • If you would like to gift a GrubStreet membership to a writer in your life, please reach out to [email protected] for further information.

How do I enroll in the GrubStreet Card to Culture program?

How do I upgrade my membership?

  • To upgrade your membership or if you have questions about it, please email [email protected].

Additional questions can be sent to:

Julian Iralu, Individual Giving Officer

[email protected]