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Schedule & Curriculum

The ability to develop a longstanding rapport with a group of writers of such a high caliber afforded me a level of workshop criticism that I had not previously encountered.

The program is divided into two 13-week terms. There is a one-month break between the terms to allow writers to focus on developing reading lists for their own craft focus, review first-term feedback on all three of their stories, and decide which story they want to focus on during term two.

The program meets on Monday nights, from 6:00-9:00pm (ET).

Phase I Phase II

September 15th - December 15th, 2025 (9 Weeks) (skips December 1)

In weekly sessions, workshops will provide each writer with detailed critiques of three story drafts for overall growth areas for their stories and writing style.

In the first term, you will:

  • Receive an intensive workshop of three story drafts.
  • Develop and refine a framework for deep revision to bring out the particular strengths and vision of your stories through a comprehensive three-part framework for revision.
  • Discuss published work with a focus on advanced craft techniques.
  • Cultivate a series of advanced craft tools.
  • Define your own program goals and choose an area of story craft to focus on for individual study. You will also create a reading list and study plan in collaboration with the instructor that’s unique to your style.

January 12th - April 20th, 2026 (13 Weeks) (skips MLK Day, President's Day)

In the second term, you will:

  • Select one story at a time to revise toward publishable quality, based on class feedback and conference with the instructor.
  • Develop a revision plan, using a personalized framework, with multiple opportunities for targeted feedback from both class and instructor.
  • Give a short presentation on what you learned about your craft goal.
  • Participate in guest sessions with literary magazine editors.
  • Develop a strategy for sending out your stories.
  • Participate in Manuscript Month, where you will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a journal editor or an agent.

End-of-Program Events

  • Reading Party, where each student will read a selection from work they produced in the program term. Refreshments and pre-/post-reading mingling.
  • Build into the program cost is one Manuscript Mart appointment during Manuscript Month.
  • Built into the program cost is a 90-minute seminar on putting together and publishing a story collection.