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YAWP School Programs

Preferred Partnerships for Boston Public Schools

GrubStreet's preferred partner schools are Boston Public Schools working regularly with GrubStreet to provide writing opportunities to their students. Being a preferred partner school means:

  • GrubStreet sends guest authors to classes free of charge either by arranging the guest authors ourselves and paying them $150 or, with approval, we allocate those funds to pay for someone of the teacher's choosing.
  • Students from preferred partner schools get preferred scheduling of school visits and also are the first to know about new programs.
  • Students from preferred partner schools get preferred review when it comes to scholarships and fellowship applications.
  • Educators from these schools also get preferred status when we start running professional development programs in the future.
  • Partner schools always get a set of scholarships for FREE teen summer classes at GrubStreet.

We prioritize Boston public schools that have under-supported arts programs and have a high population of low income, underserved, or immigrant students.

If you have questions or wish to inquire about becoming a partner school, please email [email protected]. Our response time might be slow, but we will get back to you! Fill out this form, if there is something that is urgent in the form from a high-need school, please also email us so we can look at it in a timely manner.

YAWP School Programs are made possible, in part, thanks to The Calderwood Charitable Foundation, The Vertex Foundation, The Linde Family Foundation, The Boston Public Library Foundation, The Mabel Louise Riley Foundation, Liberty Mutual Foundation, MassHousing, The 'Quin Impact Fund, The RBC Foundation, and donors like you.