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Community Updates

Community Updates

New Short Classes this Winter

New "How To" classes happening this Winter! These introductory seminars offer a quick, accessible way for writers to discover new genres, explore essential skills, or get a helpful refresher. They are a perfect entry point for those looking to dive into core fundamentals before committing to a multi-week workshop. Our upcoming seminars:





In addition to our weekly short classes, we're thrilled to bring you our Contemporary Craft Series seminars that explore unique and inspiring writing topics not covered in other classes and events. Designed as a larger seminar, these 2 - 3 hour sessions will focus on connecting the GrubStreet community with some of the most exciting and renowned voices in contemporary literature for a monthly dose of inspiration and writing guidance. Our upcoming Contemporary Craft seminars:

We can’t wait to share even more classes in the future! In the meantime, check out our upcoming seminars and secure your spot today.

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