Special Note:

Emerging Writer Fellowship—Deadline to apply is Monday March 10th at 11:59pm ET.

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Calderwood Writers' Stage and Event Space

The Calderwood Writers’ Stage at GrubStreet’s Center for Creative Writing is now available for rent to host events, presentations, conferences, performances, private gatherings, and more, for groups of 5-100+ attendees. Whatever your vision for an event, we'd love to work with you to bring it to the stage!

You Should Know

  • Hourly staffing fees may apply, subject to the nature and requests of the event.
  • All rates start at the time of event set up and end when the event has fully been cleared.
  • All event hosts/teams are required to arrive at least one hour prior to the publicized start time of the event for set up.
  • Partial Space and Upstairs Events have a minimum booking time of 2 hours, and Full Space Events have a minimum booking time of 3 hours.
  • Events that charge for entry may not be eligible for community rates. Please reach out to [email protected] with your intended ticket price and registrations for more information.
  • All organizations must provide a Certificate of Insurance upon request.
  • All beer and wine consumed or served within GrubStreet’s Center for Creative Writing must be purchased through GrubStreet. Please reach out to [email protected] to get more information or place an order.
  • We are committed to making our space as accessible as possible, so please reach out with specific questions or concerns.
  • All stage and event space booking is managed by GrubStreet.

Event Space Equipment and AV

  • 72+ chairs for the stage and audience
  • 2 couches for the stage and audience
  • Foldout tables
  • Small cabaret tables
  • Coat rack and hangers
  • Connection to speakers SONOS system
  • Large TV screen on wheels for presentation, image, and video projection
  • Wireless handheld microphones, wired microphones, and clip-on microphones
  • Podium and microphone stand
  • Assistive Listening Device system
  • Webcam system for live streaming

Event Space Rates

Full Space: $300/hr for events that utilize the stage and full event space. This space can host up to 100 people seated.

Full Space Community Rate: $200/hr for GrubStreet community members and other 501(c) nonprofit hosts to utilize the stage and full event space. This space can host up to 100 people seated.

Partial Space: $125/hr for events with an intended group of 30 attendees or less who require minimal technical support and minimal post-event reception needs. Depending on the time of your event, the bookstore will remain open to the public for browsing.

Partial Space Community Rate: $75/hr for GrubStreet community members and other 501(c) nonprofit hosts with an intended group of 30 attendees or less who require minimal technical support and minimal post-event reception needs. Depending on the time of your event, the bookstore will remain open to the public for browsing.

*If you are unclear about which category your event falls under, are interested in hearing about other solutions, or would like to request a rental, please contact [email protected]