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Clara Silverstein's photo

Clara Silverstein

Instructor Consultant

She / hers

About Clara

Clara Silverstein is the author of six books, including the memoir White Girl: A Story of School Desegregation, the historical novel Secrets in a House Divided, and three cookbooks. A poetry collection is forthcoming from Finishing Line Press. Her articles and essays have appeared in the Boston Globe, Runner's World, Health magazine, and many other periodicals. She completed a M.A. in History from University of Massachusetts Boston and has presented many history-themed lectures and walking tours. Based in Boston, she has led workshops for adults and teens, and particularly likes to guide people to tell their own stories.


  • Book Research
  • Memoir
  • Non-Fiction
  • Poetry

Consulting Services

  • Manuscript Review
  • Memoir
  • Remote Sessions
Request Consultation

Rate: $90/hour