Fabienne Keck
Instructor Consultant BWOC
Instructor Consultant BWOC
In-Person: Seaport | workshop
6 Tuesdays from 10:30am-1:30pm (EST)
Whether you've never written creatively before or you're a more experienced writer looking for a recharge, your mission in this course is simple:… ...more
Online: Zoom | workshop
10 Thursdays, from 6:00pm-9:00pm (EST)
Thinking about getting an MFA? Feeling ready to publish? In this intensive forum, we will polish or complete at least two short works of fiction. We… ...more
Online: Zoom | seminar
Saturday, April 5th, from 10:30am-1:30pm (ET).
Have you ever imagined a world or a character so vividly that you couldn't help but wonder if it could become a story? Do you have snippets of… ...more
Rate: $150/hour