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Community Updates

Community Updates

Dept. of Congrats Spotlight: Maria Lytrivi

GrubStreet is thrilled to congratulate student Maria Lytrivi! Maria's short story "Cassandra," a dark reimagining of the Trojan myth, was included in The Dark Legends of The World anthology by Diania Publications. She would like to thank everyone at GrubStreet for the support she has received and instructor Kayla Degala-Paraíso for introducing her to experimental writing.

We asked Maria how her time at GrubStreet influenced her accomplishment:

"My time at Grubstreet has redefined my perception of what writing looks like by introducing me to more experimental forms of the art and this is very evident in 'Cassandra' as well as most of my recent works. The support I have received throughout my writing journey has helped me build trust in my work and gain the courage to submit to publishing opportunities such as this one."

Do you have writing news and want to be featured in the Department of Congratulations? Every Thursday, we feature the good news of GrubStreet community members in our newsletter, Spreading the Love. To be included, please fill out this form. Not only will you be featured in our weekly newsletter, you may be featured in a blog post on our website!

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