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Dept. of Congrats Spotlight: LaDonna Witmer
GrubStreet is thrilled to congratulate student LaDonna Witmer! LaDonna's essay "With Fear & Trembling," which she workshopped in Aimee Seiff Christian's “Memoir in Progress" class, is included in a new anthology on religious trauma called Take the Fruit.
We asked LaDonna how her time at GrubStreet influenced her accomplishment:
"Aimee Seiff Christian's 'Memoir in Progress' class helped me pull my manuscript off the shelf, shake off the dust, and begin again. The class re-energized and inspired me to find a way forward. During those weeks of workshop, I figured out a framework to hang my story on, which allowed me to write with more focus and clarity. For that, I'll be forever grateful."
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Keep reading in this series
Dept. of Congrats Spotlight: Holly Thompson
Dept. of Congrats Spotlight: Maria Lytrivi