Special Note:

Advanced Workshops Applications Extended—For Memoir, Screenwriting, and Short Fiction to Monday, January 13th at 11:59pm EST.

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  • Event
  • In-Person: Seaport
  • Adult (18+)

Stories from the Screen: Analyzing Internal Conflict with Mariona Lloreta

No Longer Enrolling

  • $20.00 Non-Member
  • $15.00 Member

Event Description

On the page and the screen, conflict is one of the most dynamic drivers of plot. How can we, as writers, most effectively convey the struggle that comes when our characters' biggest obstacle is themselves?

Join writer, director & GrubStreet instructor Mariona Lloreta for a short film screening and a seminar on internal conflict in film. In this session, we will watch the short film Brotherhood by Tunisian-American writer/director Meryam Joobeur, followed by a seminar in which we'll explore the complexities of internal conflict, including some writing exercises that will get you started on your own film ideas!

About Stories from the Screen

Great writing doesn't just live on the page! In GrubStreet's Stories From the Screen, explore storytelling from a visual medium through deep dives into short films, TV episodes, and more. Each screening will be accompanied by an interactive talk about the art of storytelling from a GrubStreet instructor.

Whether you're a screenwriter looking to strengthen your craft, a writer interested in deepening your understanding of narrative structure, or just a film lover excited about learning what makes your favorite films and TV shows tick, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how we tell stories and what we can learn from film.

Program Format

This program will take place in-person at our Center for Creative Writing in Boston's Seaport neighborhood.

Covid-19 Update

GrubStreet's space will be mask optional when Boston's Covid-19 Community Level is low or medium. When the Covid-19 Community Level is high, our space will require masks. Please check GrubStreet's Covid-19 page for the latest info on masking and Community Levels before visiting in-person.


This class will take place in-person at our Center for Creative Writing in Boston's Seaport neighborhood.

Covid-19 Update:

GrubStreet's space will be mask-optional when Boston's Covid-19 Community Level is low or medium. When the Covid-19 Community Level is high, our space will require masks. Please check GrubStreet's Covid-19 page for the latest info on masking and Community Levels before visiting in person.

Space Accessibility:

Our space is ADA accessible with automatic door openers, ADA-compliant restrooms, desk and table spacing, braille signage, and elevator. Our classrooms can be equipped with ALS for hard of hearing individuals. We cannot guarantee a scent-free environment. For more accessibility requests, please contact our Operations team at [email protected] or (617) 695-0075.