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Special Series

Special Series

Muse and the Marketplace Presenter Spotlight: Anjali Duva

At this year’s Muse and the Marketplace conference (in-person, May 10-12) Anjali Duva & Henriette Lazaridis will give you a glimpse into the inner-workings of "traditional" publishing, What No One Talks About in Publishing… But Everyone Should Know.

We recently caught up with Anjali to ask her about writing in community and her GrubStreet journey.

GrubStreet: What does the phrase "writing in community" mean to you personally and professionally? Could you share a moment from your career where community support at events like the Muse and the Marketplace made a significant difference?

Anjali Duva: Writing in community gave me my first experience of sharing my fiction, at a Grub class, and the push to keep going when I was a new mother struggling to find time to write. A few fellow students and I formed a writing group to keep exchanging our work. That was in 2007, and we’ve been meeting regularly ever since. It was the start of my whole literary career. Writing in community gave me so many writer friends. It led to my first editorial position, for Solstice Literary Magazine. It gave me the idea to start the Arlington Author Salon at the café that has served as my office. And it gave me the confidence to launch a new publishing company, Galiot Press, with Henriette Lazaridis. Little did I know, those 16 years ago, how my search for community would yield such a vast, deep, and ever-growing set of experiences.

Only 2 days until the Muse and the Marketplace - register here!

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