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Emerging Writer Fellowship—Deadline to apply is Monday March 10th at 11:59pm ET.

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GrubStreet Awarded a Capital Grant from Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund

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By Info

We are thrilled to announce that GrubStreet has been awarded a Capital Grant of $82,000 from the Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund (CFF).

This grant, administered by MassDevelopment in partnership with the Mass Cultural Council, will support the redesign and replacement of GrubStreet’s HVAC system, ensuring a more comfortable and energy-efficient environment for our community of writers.

The Cultural Facilities Fund provides major improvement grants to nonprofit cultural organizations, in recognition of their profound economic impact on communities across Massachusetts. Since 2006, the Fund has encouraged sound growth, supported important development projects, played a crucial role in the growth of local tourism, created thousands of jobs, and driven millions of dollars in private investment.

We are incredibly grateful to MassDevelopment, the Mass Cultural Council, and Governor Healey for funding this crucial HVAC system upgrade and for their continued support of essential capital investments like this in Massachusetts’s creative economy, which strengthens our state.

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