Special Note:

Emerging Writer Fellowship—Deadline to apply is Monday March 10th at 11:59pm ET.

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Community Updates

Community Updates

Dept. of Congrats Spotlight: Kira Rockwell

GrubStreet is thrilled to congratulate GrubStreet instructor and playwright Kira Rockwell! Kira was featured in the American Theatre Magazine as an Atlanta-based artist to watch:

“Encountering Kira Rockwell’s work for the first time felt like someone had created a portal into a dusty, unseen corner of my soul,” said actor Bethany Anne Lind (Ozark, Reprisal). “Her ability to write uncynically on the world of evangelicalism is incredibly specific while hitting something so universally true to the human soul. I can’t wait to see this young playwright’s work consistently in theatres around the country before long.”

We asked Kira how her time at GrubStreet influenced her accomplishment:

“Teaching at GrubStreet keeps me on my toes, immersed in a vibrant, multi-disciplinary community of creative and ambitious writers. The time I invest into facilitating workshops continues to deepen my own understanding of craft, shaping me both as a playwright and educator.”

Do you have writing news and want to be featured in the Department of Congratulations? Every Thursday, we feature the good news of GrubStreet community members in our newsletter, Spreading the Love. To be included, please fill out this form. Not only will you be featured in our weekly newsletter, you may be featured in a blog post on our website!

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