Special Note:

Emerging Writer Fellowship—Deadline to apply is Monday March 10th at 11:59pm ET.

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Community Updates

Community Updates

Dept. of Congrats Spotlight: A.J. Rodriguez

GrubStreet is thrilled to congratulate instructor A.J. Rodriguez! A.J. was named the forty-third annual Writer-in-Residence at St. Albans School in Washington, D.C., where he will live, teach, and work on his debut novel during the upcoming academic year.

We asked A.J. how his time at GrubStreet influenced his accomplishment:

“Teaching at GrubStreet connected me with many passionate, working writers who are not only inspirations for me in the classroom and on the page, but selfless supporters of my growth as a teacher and artist. I am also grateful for my students, whose boundless curiosity and capacity for discovery reminds me why I write.”

Do you have writing news and want to be featured in the Department of Congratulations? Every Thursday, we feature the good news of GrubStreet community members in our newsletter, Spreading the Love. To be included, please fill out this form. Not only will you be featured in our weekly newsletter, you may be featured in a blog post on our website!

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