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Special Series

Special Series

Dept. of Congrats: July 2024 Community Successes

Let's celebrate the commendable community success stories from this July Grubbies were published in literary journals across the country, won awards and prizes, and so much more. Our community is closing July 2024 with twenty-four publications, two fellowships, and six book publications. Let us celebrate you: submit your good news to GrubStreet’s Department of Congratulations.

Memoir Generator graduate Iris (Yi Youn) Kim won the 2024 Briarpatch Creative Nonfiction Prize. Her essay, "Are You North or South Korean?" was published in the Briarpatch Magazine. Christina Ganim just published an essay in WBUR's Cognoscenti about the joys of getting lost in Franklin Park. NmaHassan Muhammad was one of the ten Fellows at the 2024 Oxbelly Fiction Writers Program, in Greece, which concluded on June 30, 2024. Viktoria Shulevich's humor piece "We’re a Company Whose Boots You Clicked on Once, And Now We Are Email-Stalking You" was published in Slackjaw.

Instructor Catherine Parnell is LEON Literary Review's Featured Writer and two of her stories appear in the most recent issue, "Embouchure" and "Out of the Pure White." Memoir Incubator graduate Karen Kirsten's epic WWII memoir Irena’s Gift releases July 23rd. She wishes to thank Alysia Abbott and her fellow incubees. Meredith Wilshere's nonfiction essay “I went on a trip with my 91-year-old grandmother to her home country. It deepened my love and respect for her.” was published in Business Insider. She is grateful for the support of her instructors and classmates.

Ellen Holtzman just published her memoir Bouncing Back: How Women Lose and Find Themselves in Marriage and Divorce. The book got its start five years ago in Michelle Seaton's Memoir Generator.

Pete Prokesch's flash-fiction story "Snowbirds" was published in Your Impossible Voice. Linda Button's essay "One Last Bite" appears in Hippocampus Magazine, it was honed with input from her wonderful Incubator class and Ethan Gildsdorf.

nstructor Robin McLean’s debut novel Pity the Beast (the paperback was launched as part of Grubbie Debut Series) was noted in author Jonathan Lethem’s ballot as a one of the top 100 books of the 21st Century in the New York Times.

Michael Ansara’s memoir, The Hard Work of Hope, has been accepted for publication in 2025 by Cornell University Press. He would like to thank Rani Neutill and the members of the GrubStreet Master Memoir class for all the guidance that led to the final manuscript.

Incubator graduate Jason Prokowiew's essay “Why I Quit Diet Culture" appeared in The Guardian. He thanks Grubbies Emily May and Kristin Amico for their feedback. NmaHassan Muhammad was selected to be a volunteer reader for Fractured Lit Magazine. Jeffrey Kleinman recently published a book Healing the Wounds, How Medicine Lost Its Way and What To Do About It. He is grateful for the editing help of Katie Bannon and Rebecca Roland Givens.

Instructor A.J. Rodriguez was named an annual Writer-in-Residence at St. Albans School in Washington, D.C. Where he will live, teach, and work on his debut novel in the course of the upcoming academic year. John W. Farrell’s poem “Origins” appears in the August issue of the U.S. Catholic magazine. Instructor Olivia Kate Cerrone recently published a review of Juliet Grames's latest novel, a literary mystery set in Italy, in The Boston Globe.

Nonfiction and Essay Incubator instructor Ethan Gilsdorf’s essay "Dungeons & Dragons is 50. Almost as many years ago, it saved my life" was published in the Boston Globe. He also published the craft essay “The Power of the Sandwich: Story Containers Beyond Chronology” with the Brevity Blog. Teaching at GrubStreet and his students inspired this essay. Anne Falkowski’s flash nonfiction “How To Be Made By Men, 1981” was Editor’s Pick in the 2024 Good Life Review Honey Bee contest. She thanks her 2022/23 Memoir incubator class for workshopping it!

Muse attendee Maria Vetrano’s book Queen Bess: A Tudor Comes to Save America launches on October 15th. Ellen Cliggott's personal essay, "Gold Medal Uterus," waa published by Jenny. She wants to thank Frankie de la Cretaz for help with the pitch, after her outstanding session, "Get Published Anywhere" at The Muse and the Marketplace. "A Desert Passage" a short story by David Desjardins, was published in Pangyrus in July. Muse attendee B.B. Garin's short story "Selfish" was published in the anthology Beacon Radiant from Great Weather for Media.

BWOC community member Ashley D’Souza recently published an article in Brookline.News about the effects of rat poison on local wildlife in Brookline and the greater Boston area. Anne L. Dean's novel Far Side of Revenge: Brian Boru, Future King of Ireland will be published by GladEye Press in April 2025. She thanks Olivia Carrone and Cam Terwilliger for their helpful insights on writing Historical Fiction. Lauren Kleutsch’s essay "Resume of an Invisible Laborer" was published in The Offing. She wrote this piece as part of the "6 Weeks 6 Essays" class taught by Kristen Paulson-Nguyen and is grateful to the group for their supportive feedback and encouragement.

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