Special Note:

Emerging Writer Fellowship—Deadline to apply is Monday March 10th at 11:59pm ET.

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  • Multi-Week Workshop
  • Online: Zoom
  • Adult (18+)
  • 20 Weeks

Novel Builder

No Longer Enrolling

  • $1,520.00 Member
  • $1,570.00 Non-Member

Class Description

In this advanced novel class spanning five months, you will come with an idea for a novel, and leave with a solid start of a draft and a plan for where to go next. This class is perfect for those interested in eventually participating in the Novel Generator or Novel Incubator program.

In the first section of class, we will focus on novel planning and outlining a new or new-ish novel idea. We'll look at novels to understand story-building strategies from writers including Paul Lynch, Sally Rooney and more. We’ll do in-class exercises designed to help you figure out what your story is and how to tell it. We’ll workshop ideas, shapes, storylines, and craft aspects of your novel including point of view, structure, and narrative stance.

In the next section, we will transition towards building your draft according to the outline devised in part one, with multiple planning touchpoints built in throughout the workshop. The goals of the workshopping section of class are to write or revise at least 40 pages in total, as well as to focus on craft areas such as characterization, point of view, structure, plot, and scenes. Each class will begin with a brief, novel-specific writing exercise; the rest of the class will be devoted to workshopping. Students will also read select excerpts from novels as inspiration/examples of craft techniques. Feedback will be delivered using the novel in progress method: reading your pages (10-11 pages, double-spaced) aloud in class each week and receiving on-the-spot feedback from your fellow novelists and instructor. Each student will have a 20-minute conference with the instructor midway through the course. At the end of class, you can submit up to 30 pages of new or revised scenes for evaluation and critique.

Important dates: The application deadline for this class has now passed. All applicants can expect to hear back by Wednesday, January 8th. The payment deadline for admitted students is noon, Friday, January 10th.

Writing Roadmap: We've created a simple, goal-based writing roadmap to help you find the perfect GrubStreet course for your writing needs.

Scholarships Format/Location

Thanks to the excellent literary citizenship of our donors, scholarships are available for all GrubStreet classes. To apply, click the gray "APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIP" button. In order to be considered for a scholarship, you must complete your application at least one week before the start date of a class. Please await our scholarship committee's decision before registering for the class. We cannot hold spots in classes, so the sooner you apply, the better. Scholarships cannot be applied retroactively.

For more detailed information about GrubStreet scholarships, including how to contribute to scholarship funds for other students, click here.

This class will take place using Zoom videoconferencing. After registering, a yellow Resources tab will appear in this section containing a link to join class. Please note that you will need to be logged into view the Resources tab.

Zoom Participation:

In our experience, the intimate nature of a writing workshop benefits from on-camera participation. Students are of course welcome to turn their camera off whenever they need to, but it is a community norm for cameras to be on most of the time. You can learn more about using Zoom here.

Zoom Accessibility:

You can enable closed captioning at any time during the meeting by clicking the CC button at the bottom of the screen. If you'd like to access the transcript after class, please make sure to let your instructor ahead of time that you'd like a copy.