Special Note:

Emerging Writer Fellowship—Deadline to apply is Monday March 10th at 11:59pm ET.

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  • Manuscript Mart
  • MM Zoom Appointment

Registration for Sarah Khalil

Manuscript Mart Full!

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  • $250.00 Member
  • $265.00 Non-Member

Manuscript Mart Description

Sarah Khalil
Sarah Khalil (Literary Agent)

Sarah Khalil is a literary agent with Calligraph representing serious nonfiction and memoir. Radical thought, artful storytelling, and propulsive narrative are the cornerstones of her taste. She is also seeking select fiction in the same space. Learn more.

If you have any questions or need help with registration, email [email protected].

Sarah Khalil's Availability During Manuscript Mart Week:

  • Wednesday, May 14: 4:00–7:00
  • Friday, May 16: 4:00–7:00

Manuscript Mart appointments will take place over Zoom. Zoom links and schedule times will be assigned mid-month in April 2025 and be emailed to each participant by 11:59 PM EDT on May 1, 2025. Meetings will run twenty minutes and be scheduled to start on the half-hour during each agent or editor's availability windows.