Special Note:

Space Closure—GrubStreet’s upstairs space will be closed to members on Saturday, February 8th for a private partner event and closed on Sunday, February 9th due to inclement weather.

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Courtney Sender's photo

Courtney Sender

Instructor Consultant

About Courtney

Courtney Sender's short stories have appeared in The Kenyon Review, AGNI, Tin House, American Short Fiction, Glimmer Train, and many others. Her essays have appeared in The New York Times' Modern Love, The Atlantic, The Lily at Washington Post, and others. A fellow of Yaddo, MacDowell, and Ucross, she holds an MFA from the Johns Hopkins Writing Seminars and an MTS from Harvard Divinity School. She currently teaches fiction-writing at Tufts University and is a creative writing tutor at Harvard. Her debut story collection, IN OTHER LIFETIMES ALL I'VE LOST COMES BACK TO ME, is forthcoming this spring.