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E.B. Bartels

Instructor Consultant

About E.B.

E.B. Bartels is a nonfiction writer, a former Newtonville Books bookseller, and a GrubStreet instructor, with an MFA from Columbia University and a BA from Wellesley College. Her writing has appeared in Slate, Salon, Literary Hub, WBUR, Catapult, Electric Literature, The Believer, and The Rumpus, among others. She is the author of Good Grief: On Loving Pets, Here and Hereafter, a narrative nonfiction book about the world of loving and losing animals, exploring the singular nature of our bonds with our companion animals, and how best to grieve for them once they’ve passed away, which was published in August 2022 by Mariner Books/HarperCollins. She also runs the interview series Non-Fiction by Non-Men on the site Fiction Advocate. E.B. has taught at Columbia's Summer Program for High School Students, Columbia's Intro Writing Program, The Door (a drop in center for homeless teens in Manhattan), Mother Caroline Academy in Dorchester, and the Noble and Greenough School in Dedham. Her students have ranged in age from fifth grade to retiree. E.B. lives in Arlington, Massachusetts with her husband, Richie, and their dog (Seymour), tortoises (Terrence and Twyla), pigeons (Bert and Dan), and a dozen fish (all African cichlids, all named Milton). You can visit her website at www.ebbartels.com, find her on Twitter at @eb_bartels, and see photos of her dead pets on Instagram at @goodgriefpetsbook.

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Rate: $100/hour