Joy Deva Baglio
Instructor Consultant
About Joy Deva
JOY BAGLIO (BAH - lee - oh) is a writer of speculative-literary fiction whose work has appeared widely in journals such as Ploughshares, The Missouri Review, Tin House, The Iowa Review, American Short Fiction, Conjunctions, The Fairy Tale Review, Gulf Coast, and elsewhere, and two short stories have been optioned for film/TV. She’s received fellowships, scholarships, and awards from Yaddo, The Elizabeth George Foundation, Ragdale, Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, Sewanee Writers' Conference, Vermont Studio Center, Martha's Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing, and The Kerouac Project, where she was the the spring 2023 writer-in-residence living and writing in Jack Kerouac's Orlando bungalow. Joy holds an MFA from The New School and is the founder of the literary arts organization Pioneer Valley Writers’ Workshop, which hosts a wide array of virtual workshops and community literary events. Joy is a frequent presenter at conferences, most recently the 2023 AWP Conference in Kansas City, as well as Grub Street's 2023 Muse and the Marketplace Conference. She is at work on both a collection of short stories and a first novel. Joy also writes a free writing/craft Substack, called Alone in a Room. She is represented by Peter Steinberg at United Talent Agency (UTA) and Sean Daily (for film/TV). Find her online at www.JoyBaglio.com and follow her on social media for frequent updates!Interests
- Applying for Awards and Fellowships
- Author Website and/or Social Media
- Novel
- Preparing the MFA Application
- Publishing & Promotion
- Short Fiction
- Sci-Fi/Fantasy