Special Note:

Advanced Workshops Applications Extended—For Memoir, Screenwriting, and Short Fiction to Monday, January 13th at 11:59pm EST.

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Kristen Paulson-Nguyen's photo

Kristen Paulson-Nguyen


About Kristen

Kristen was the first to complete two Incubators. She kicked off GrubStreet's Book Club and its 2023 Sessions with the Editor. She instructs adults in the micro-flash form; the memoir proposal; the hermit crab essay; flash and other essays, and youth in nonfiction, the writing life; and flash. Kristen is the 2023 producer of micro-flash contest Boston in 100 Words. Her memoir was a Solstice Magazine Summer 2023 Graphic Lit Editor's Pick. Her essay "Blight" will be published in the textbook "Letting Grief Speak: Writing Portals for Life After Loss," forthcoming in 2024 from Columbia University Press. Kristen's story "Neighbors" was a 2020 winner of Boston in 100 Words. Her work has been published in the Boston Globe

(where she was a singles columnist); New York Times; Creative Nonfiction; Flyway Journal of Writing & the Environment; The Keepthings; Solstice and the Publish Her Anthology Better Together: A Collection of Essays on Women Gathering. She has presented at HippoCamp, Gotham Writers Workshop, More to the Story, and the Boston Book Festival. Kristen is a founder of Tell-All Boston, the city's only nonfiction literary series. Through her service Title Doctor, she has titled more than a dozen works of fiction, nonfiction, memoir, a craft book, a memoir-in-essays, and The Writer’s 2021 contest-winning essay. Kristen is earning her licensure to teach middle-school English at Lesley University. She seeks representation for her memoir.