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Muse and the Marketplace 2024—Our three day writing conference that educates you on craft, prepares you for the ever-changing world of publishing, and creates opportunities for networking is happening THIS weekend (May 10-12)!

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Jeannie Blasberg's photo

Jeannie Blasberg

Board Member

About Jeannie

Jeannie is an award-winning author of two novels, Eden and The Nine. After a career in finance, Jeannie became a writer and an active GrubStreet student. She currently splits her time between Boston and Westerly, RI. She is a nationally-ranked squash player who served as the first female board chair of US Squash, the sport’s century-old national governing body. During her tenure at US Squash, she oversaw sweeping governance changes and led the organization’s first strategic planning process, creating a platform for financial stability and increased fundraising. She is a volunteer squash coach at SquashBusters, an urban youth squash program located on the Northeastern campus. In addition to coaching there, she has co-chaired the organization’s major annual fundraiser numerous times. Jeannie loves adventure travel, especially with her husband, John, and their three grown children.