Matthew Salesses
About Matthew
Matthew Salesses is the author of a novel, I'm Not Saying, I'm Just Saying, a novella, The Last Repatriate, and two chapbooks. In 2014, Thought Catalog Books will release two ebooks, Different Racisms and All-American Bear Terrorizes Canada. His current project is a serialized, illustrated novel, Marked, to be published by Gazillion Voices. Matthew has written nonfiction for The New York Times, NPR, Salon, the Center for Asian American Media, The Rumpus, and most often for The Good Men Project, where he is a Contributing Writer and Fiction Editor. His stories appear in Glimmer Train, American Short Fiction, Witness, PEN America, West Branch, and over 50 others. He has received awards and fellowships from the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, Glimmer Train, Mid-American Review, [PANK], HTMLGIANT, IMPAC, Inprint, Emerson College, where he did his MFA, and the University of Houston, where he is a PhD candidate in Creative Writing & Literature. He has taught writing at Grub Street, CCAE, 826 Boston, Writespace, and Inprint. More at matthewsalesses.com.