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Novel and Memoir Incubators—Only one week left to apply. Deadline is Monday, February 10th at 11:59pm EST.

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Michele Ferrari


About Michele

A Brooklyn-bred, Boston-based writer, Michele Ierardi Ferrari holds a BA in English and Creative Writing from Cornell University and a PhD in American Literature from the University of Virginia. She completed GrubStreet's Novel Generator and Novel Incubator programs and is a contributor for Dead Darlings, a writing-focused website. She participated in the Tin House Summer Workshop and the Sirenland Writers Conference. She is a TedX Beaconstreet speaker and a Moth GrandSlam storyteller. She has been a writing instructor and coach with 826 Boston, the Posse Foundation, and Next Step. She is currently working on a novel set in 1980s New York City. When not working, she will most likely be out running with her husband and her Jack Russell terrier, Zelda.