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Muse and the Marketplace 2024—Our three day writing conference that educates you on craft, prepares you for the ever-changing world of publishing, and creates opportunities for networking is happening THIS weekend (May 10-12)!

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Cheryl Lawton Malone's photo

Cheryl Lawton Malone

Instructor Consultant

About Cheryl

Cheryl spent much of her youth migrating with her family to places like The Hague and London. She was a biotech attorney for 25 years before she decided to write full-time. Following the award of her MFA from Lesley University, Cambridge, MA , she taught creative writing at Lesley and at Grub Street in Boston, and now writes and consults from her home in MA. Her debut picture book, the acclaimed Dario and the Whale (Albert Whitman) released in 2016, followed by Elephants Walk Together (Albert Whitman, 2017). In 2023, she'll launch her newest picture book, Featherita (Pegasus Publishers), along with a new co-creative venture called Write On Productions, and the easy-to-follow self-guided course: Writing Kidlit 101. You can find out more about Cheryl at target="_blank">www.cheryllawtonmalone.com, on Twitter at @MaloneLawton and on Facebook as Cheryl Lawton Malone Author.


Consulting Services

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Rate: $75/hour