Lara Wilson
About Lara
Lara JK Wilson’s short fiction has been published in the The Kenyon Review, StoryQuarterly, American Fiction, Indiana Review, Confrontation, Printers Row and the Chicago Tribune Book Section, among others. Her work has been anthologized in Short Stories from Printers Row, Volume One and Hacks: 10 Years on Grub Street, as well as selected as first runner-up for the Nelson Algren Awards and the Mark Twain Award for Fiction. She was awarded a Massachusetts Cultural Council Fellowship and fiction scholarships from both the Bread Loaf and Sewanee Writers’ Conferences. For six years, she served as a member of the board of directors at Grub Street, where she has taught fiction workshops for over a decade. As a life-long practitioner of meditation and a breast cancer survivor, she now incorporates mindfulness practices into her writing process (having studied mindfulness, health, and the creative process with Ellen Langer and associates at Harvard). As the mother of four children who attend four schools, she’s also an organizational guru.