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Novel and Memoir Incubators—Only one week left to apply. Deadline is Monday, February 10th at 11:59pm EST.

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Meta Wagner


About Meta

Meta Wagner is passionate about helping people reach their creative potential. She is the author of What’s Your Creative Type?: Harnessing the Power of Your Artistic Personality (Seal/Hachette) and of the Substack newsletter, Page Fright. Meta is a writing and creativity professor at Emerson College and instructor at GrubStreet and has also taught at Boston University and Wheelock College. She is the creator of an original model for creativity, the Five Creative Types, and has given talks about it at TEDx, creativity conferences, and corporate events and webinars. She is also a
contributor to The Boston Globe opinion pages, was a columnist for the online magazine PopMatters, and has had articles published in The Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe Magazine, Wall Street Journal custom content, Salon, Huffington Post, and others. She is a writing coach and writing workshop leader. Meta was previously an award-winning marketing communications executive. To connect with Meta, visit www.metawagner.com.