Special Note:

Emerging Writer Fellowship—Deadline to apply is Monday March 10th at 11:59pm ET.

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John Cotter

Instructor Consultant

About John

John Cotter is the author of the memoir Losing Music, forthcoming from Milkweed Editions, portions of which have appeared in Raritan, Catapult, Indiana Review, and Guernica. His novel, Under the Small Lights, was published by Miami University Press in 2010, and his fiction, essays, criticism, and theater pieces have appeared in New England Review, Washington Square, Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading, Georgia Review, The Literary Review, Denver Quarterly, and Commonweal. In 2018 he was Artist in Residence at SPACE Gallery in Portland, Maine, and in 2022 he’ll be a resident fellow at the James Merrill House in Stonighton, Connecticut.

Consulting Services

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Rate: $100/hour