Special Note:

Emerging Writer Fellowship—Deadline to apply is Monday March 10th at 11:59pm ET.

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Katrin Schumann

Instructor Consultant


About Katrin

Katrin Schumann is the bestselling author of the novels The Forgotten Hours and This Terrible Beauty, as well as numerous nonfiction titles. She is the program coordinator of the Key West Literary Seminar (KWLS) where she runs the Emerging Writer Awards, and hires teaching faculty. Katrin teaches both fiction and nonfiction at Key West Literary Seminar (KWLS), GrubStreet, and, some years ago, at Massachusetts prisons through PEN New England. She helped design and run GrubStreet’s innovative program for debut authors, “The Launch Lab,” helping new authors with promotion. Her work has been featured multiple times on TODAY, NPR, and in The London Times, among others, and she has a monthly creativity newsletter on Substack. You can find her at https://katrinschumann.substack.com/ and get more information about her books and coaching work at katrinschumann.com.

Consulting Services

  • The Novel
  • Manuscript Review
Request Consultation

Rate: $100/hour