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Novel and Memoir Incubators—Only one week left to apply. Deadline is Monday, February 10th at 11:59pm EST.

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Leslie Lawrence


About Leslie

Leslie Lawrence is a recipient of fellowships from the Massachusetts Artists Foundation and The National Endowment for the Arts. She has published fiction, nonfiction and poetry in a variety of venues including The Boston Globe Magazine, Prairie Schooner, Literary Mama, Cognoscenti, and The Massachusetts Review. Her essay, "At The Donkey Hotel," was a finalist in Solstice's Nonfiction contest. Her collection, The Death of Fred Astaire--And Other Essays From a Life Outside the Lines, came out from SUNYPress in 2016 and was a finalist in the Foreward Indie Book Award for Memoir. To read about her experience debuting late in life, go to https://www.awpwriter.org/magazine_media/writers_notebook_view/281 Leslie has been teaching in the Boston area for more than 30 years. She lives in Cambridge and does improvisational dancing several times a week.