Kate Flora
About Kate
Attorney Kate Flora's fourteen books include seven series mysteries, four gritty police procedurals, a suspense thriller and two true crime books. Finding Amy was a 2007 Edgar nominee and has been filmed for TV. Death Dealer,a true crime involving a Canadian serial killer, is a 2015 Agatha and Anthony finalist. Flora's Joe Burgess police procedurals have won the 2013 and 2015 Maine Literary Award for Crime Fiction. Her short stories and essays have appeared in numerous anthologies and literary journals. She spent seven years as editor and publisher at Level Best Books. Flora is former international president of Sisters in Crime, and a founding member of the Maine Crime Wave and New England Crime Bake conferences. She has taught writing at Brown, the Cape Cod Writers Conference, for the Maine Writers and Publishers Association, and at many national conferences. She teaches writing for Grub Street.