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Joanne Wyckoff


About Joanne

Joanne Wyckoff is an agent with the Carol Mann Agency. Prior to joining CMA, she was an agent with Zachary Shuster Harmsworth. Before becoming an agent, Joanne worked as Senior Editor at Ballantine Books/Random House, and Executive Editor at Beacon Press. As an agent, Joanne represents nonfiction exclusively. She has a particular love of the memoir, narrative nonfiction, the personal narrative, and narrative journalism. She is always looking for writers with strong, original voices who explore a subject in new and surprising ways. She has extensive experience working with academics and experts in diverse fields, helping them develop and write books for a broad market. Her nonfiction list includes books in psychology, women's issues, history, education, health and wellness, sports, humor, food and culture, natural history and anything about animals, religion, spirituality, and African-American studies.