Special Note:

Emerging Writer Fellowship—Deadline to apply is Monday March 10th at 11:59pm ET.

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Nina Morrison


About Nina

Nina Louise Morrison is a Boston-based playwright, director and teacher with an MFA from Columbia University. She is a 2017 Massachusetts Cultural Council Artist Fellow, Huntington Theatre Company Playwriting Fellow, winner of the 2016 Boston Project commission at Speakeasy Stage Company, a Company One Affiliate Playwright, a core member of the devising company Project: Project, and a member of Rhombus writers. Her plays have been workshopped, read, and produced by Company One, Fresh Ink Theatre, Huntington Theatre Company, 20% Theatre Company, Kitchen Theatre Company, Saltbox Theatre, Open Theatre Project, Our Voices, WOW Café, SLAM Boston, Wax Wings, Bostonia Bohemia, and the Boston One Minute Play Festival. She was a semi-finalist for the 2014 National Playwrights Conference and she is the recipient of a Richard Rodgers Fellowship and a Shubert Foundation grant. Before moving to Boston, Nina was the Senior Program Associate at The Pew Center for Arts and Heritage's Philadelphia Theater Initiative. She also trained as an actor at the National Theatre Institute at the Eugene O’Neill Theatre Center, the New Actors Workshop, and received her BA from Oberlin College. She currently teaches playwriting and screenwriting at Grub Street and the University of New Hampshire. www.ninalouisemorrison.com