Becky Tuch
About Becky
I am a fiction and nonfiction writer, based in Pittsburgh, PA. My fiction has been honored with fellowships from The MacDowell Colony and the Somerville, MA Arts Council, as well as awards from Briar Cliff Review, Glimmer Train and Moment Magazine. Other writing has appeared in Salon, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Post Road, Salt Hill, The Offing, Hobart, Barrelhouse, Monkeybicycle, Literary Mama, Tahoma Literary Review, The Carolina Quarterly, Tikkun, Virginia Quarterly Review online and several anthologies including Best of the Net. In 2010 I created The Review Review, a website dedicated to reviews of lit mags and interviews with journal editors. The Review Review was listed for seven consecutive years in Writer's Digest's list of 101 Best Websites for Writers. I am also the creator of the Lit Mag News Roundup, a bi-weekly newsletter that provides writers and editors with an overview of all the latest news in lit mag publishing. https://litmagnews.substack.com/about