Special Note:

Advanced Workshops Applications Extended—For Memoir, Screenwriting, and Short Fiction to Monday, January 13th at 11:59pm EST.

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Shuchi Saraswat

Instructor Consultant

About Shuchi

Shuchi Saraswat is the senior editor of AGNI. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Orion, Ploughshares, Michigan Quarterly Review, Ecotone, and elsewhere. She received the Gulliver Travel Research Grant from The Speculative Literature Foundation and has received fellowships and scholarships to Djerassi Resident Artists Program, Writers Omi at Ledig House, The Writers' Room of Boston, Tin House Summer Writers' Workshop and Bread Loaf Writers' Conference. She founded the Transnational Literature Series at Brookline Booksmith and served as its director from 2018-2020, and she has judged a number of prizes, including the National Book Award in Translated Literature (2019) and the Restless Books Prize for New Immigrant Writing: Nonfiction (2021). She currently lives in Boston.