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Muse and the Marketplace 2024—Our three day writing conference that educates you on craft, prepares you for the ever-changing world of publishing, and creates opportunities for networking is happening THIS weekend (May 10-12)!

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people talking illustration
Alex Kudeyar's photo

Alex Kudeyar

Consultant Staff


About Alex

Alex (he/him) is GrubStreet's Finance & HR Associate. He graduated from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts in 2012, where he earned a B.F.A. in Film & TV Production with a focus in Animation. He made a career in educational children's programming, and was fortunate to work on characters, props and backgrounds for such award-winning shows as Peg + Cat (PBS), Click Clack Moo (Amazon Prime) and Clifford the Big Red Dog (Scholastic). He continued to explore other interests, and has gone on to work in carpentry, immersive theater, and hospitality. Prior to joining the Grub team, Alex worked for Hostelling International, a venerable non-profit dedicated to promoting cross-cultural experiences and making travel accessible for all. In his free time, Alex enjoys surfing, impromptu road trips, craft beer, schlocky horror movies, and working on his graphic novel.