Special Note:

Muse and the Marketplace 2024—Our three day writing conference that educates you on craft, prepares you for the ever-changing world of publishing, and creates opportunities for networking is happening THIS weekend (May 10-12)!

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Nora Meiners


About Nora

Nora Meiners (she/her) is the Marketing Operations Manager at GrubStreet where she manages the day-to-day marketing operations and analyzes audience insights and trends. She spent a decade honing her marketing skills at a board game and jigsaw puzzle company. She has a passion for live events, storytelling, and building community. Nora was a spoken word poet who has competed, volunteered and helped organize multiple National Poetry Slam events. She has a BFA in Creative Writing from Emerson College. When not at work you might find her at a thrift store, paddle-boarding at Walden Pond, or playing Rummikub.