Special Note:

Space Closure—Due to the likely arrival of inclement weather tomorrow, Thursday, February 6th, we will be closing the GrubStreet Community space, no in-person classes or membership access.

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Torrin Greathouse's photo

Torrin Greathouse


About Torrin

torrin a. greathouse (she/her or they/them) is a genderqueer trans womxn & cripple-punk from Southern California. They are the author of two chapbooks, boy/girl/ghost (TAR Chapbook Series, 2018) & Therǝ is a Case That I Ɐm (Damaged Goods, 2017). Their work is published/forthcoming in POETRY, The New York Times, Muzzle, Poets.org, Redivider, BOAAT , Waxwing , & The Rumpus. She is the winner of the Peseroff Poetry Prize, F(r)iction Poetry Prize, & the Sundog Lit Collaboration Contest with Linette Reeman. When they are not writing, their hobbies include awkwardly drinking coffee at parties & trying to find some goddamn size 13 heels.