Special Note:

Emerging Writer Fellowship—Deadline to apply is Monday March 10th at 11:59pm ET.

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Susan Jane's photo

Susan Jane


About Susan

Susan X Jane’s mission is to help people understand the ways that media affects how they see themselves and the world, especially around concepts of race, class and gender. She has been a speaker and trainer for educators and community activists, providing tools and strategies for using media education to combat racism and sexism. She worked for 18 years with youth in the community, supporting youth empowerment through organizing and youth media where she developed curriculum to teach critical media literacy and racial justice to middle and high school students before building a unique communications major at Wheelock College. As the director of the Communications and Media Literacy program at Wheelock, she has taught undergraduate courses in critical media analysis, media literacy and production, blogging, and using media for social change. Susan currently blogs at smntks.com (pronounced semantics) and offers diversity and inclusion services to organizations seeking to create a more equitable workplace and world