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Novel and Memoir Incubators—Only one week left to apply. Deadline is Monday, February 10th at 11:59pm EST.

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Michael Burns


About Michael

I am a university teacher, writing coach, film maker, editor, and storyteller. I have a B.A. from Georgetown University, an M.S. from UMass Amherst, and hold a Ph.D. in documentary film history from the University of Birmingham in the UK. I have directed five films for international television and my work has been seen in over twenty countries. I am also the founder, director, and curator of Tall Tales, India’s longest-running, true storytelling event series that features live performances and writing workshops of all kinds. I live in the US for six months each year and the other six in India. My strongest skill is understanding what separates ordinary stories from unforgettable ones. Whether it's details about your characters, plot, story question, obstacles, or reveal, my specialty is working with you to preserve your core idea but to shape and add to it in order to make it grab readers and never let them go.