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Novel and Memoir Incubators—Only one week left to apply. Deadline is Monday, February 10th at 11:59pm EST.

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Vanessa Mártir


About Vanessa

Vanessa Mártir is a NYC based writer, educator and mama. She is the creator of the #52essays2017 challenge, and founder of the Writing Our Lives Workshop, which she teaches in NYC. Vanessa is currently completing her memoir, A Dim Capacity for Wings, and chronicles the journey in her blog: vanessamartir.blog. A five-time VONA/Voices and two-time Tin House fellow, Vanessa's essays and fiction have appeared in The Butter, Poets & Writers Magazine, Kweli Journal, As/Us Journal, SmokeLong Quarterly, and the VONA/Voices Anthology, Dismantle, among others. Vanessa has penned a novel, Woman's Cry (Augustus Publishing, 2007), and has served as guest editor of Aster(ix) Journal and The James Franco Review. When she's not writing, you can find her either on a dance floor, in a gym punching a bag or in the woods hugging a tree.

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