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Olivia Cerrone


About Olivia

Olivia Kate Cerrone is the author of The Hunger Saint (Bordighera Press, 2017), a historical novella about the child miners of Italy. The book was praised by Kirkus Reviews as “a well-crafted and affecting literary tale.” The Brooklyn Rail named it one of the "Best Books of 2017" and it was also listed as a 2017 Fiction Bestseller for six consecutive months on SPD Books. Her Pushcart Prize-nominated fiction won the Jack Dyer Prize from the Crab Orchard Review, the Mason's Road Literary Award, and first place in Italian Americana's annual literary contest. The Hunger Saint won a 2014 “Conference Choice Award” from the SDSU Writers’ Conference.

Her writing has appeared in The Boston Globe, The Christian Science Monitor, Psychology Today, Publishers Weekly, The Rumpus, The Brooklyn Rail, The Huffington Post, and elsewhere. She is the recipient of various literary honors, including fellowships at the Hawthornden Castle International Retreat for Writers (Scotland), the Ragdale Foundation, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, the Vermont Studio Center, and the Hambidge Center for the Creative Arts and Sciences, where she was awarded a "Distinguished Fellowship" from the National Endowment for the Arts. Cerrone earned an MFA in fiction from New York University and a BFA from the Writing, Literature and Publishing program at Emerson College. She is at work on a novel called DISPLACED and currently lives in Boston, MA where she teaches writing at Suffolk University.