Vanessa Garcia
About Vanessa
Vanessa Garcia is a multidisciplinary artist working as a novelist, playwright, and journalist. Her debut novel, White Light, was named one of the Best Books of 2015 by NPR, Al Día, Flavorwire, and NBC Latino. As a journalist, feature writer, and essayist, her pieces have appeared in The LA Times, The Guardian, The Miami Herald, The Washington Post, The Southern Humanities Review, The Art Basel Magazine, and The Rumpus, among numerous other publications. She’s also a Huffington Post blogger. Her plays have been produced in Edinburgh, Miami, Los Angeles, New York, and other cities around the world. These include The Cuban Spring (a full-length Carbonell Award nominee for Best New Play, 2015) and The Crocodile’s Bite (a short included in numerous anthologies such as Smith & Kraus’ Best Ten Minute Plays of 2016; the City Theatre Anthology 2015; and the Writer’s Digest Annual Award Anthology, 2015). Garcia holds a PhD from the University of California Irvine in English (with a focus in Creative Nonfiction), an MFA from the University of Miami (in fiction), and a BA from Barnard College, Columbia University (English and Art History). She's also currently Assistant Editor at The Miami Rail.