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Novel and Memoir Incubators—Only one week left to apply. Deadline is Monday, February 10th at 11:59pm EST.

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people talking illustration
Kelly Dalke's photo

Kelly Dalke



About Kelly

Kelly Dalke received her MFA from the University of New Hampshire where she was a teaching fellow and awarded the Young Dawkins III Prize in Creative Writing. Her fiction often focuses on multicultural, working-class, 2nd and 3rd-generation Americans with themes of roots, identity, grief, and motherhood. Kelly’s work has been published in The Adroit Journal, Litro, Flash Fiction Magazine, and others. She was recently a finalist for the Luso-American Fellowship with the Disquiet International Literary Program where she received funding to attend the program in Lisbon, Portugal. She is interested in short fiction, novels, novellas, literary fiction, and magical realism. Anything that takes a step outside of the prescriptive commercial or literary norms and plays with surrealism is what she enjoys reading most.


  • Graphic Novel/Comics
  • Novel
  • Short Fiction