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Gift Membership

Treat the writer in your life to a Gift Membership!

A gift membership is like giving a year of inspiration and community. Pick from these great options:

  • Individual Membership: For $75/year, Grub members save on all classes and the manuscript mart, get discounts at bookstores, have access to our community writing space at our Center for Creative Writing, and much more!
  • Sustaining Membership: For $145/year, receive all the benefits of an Individual Membership and one free GrubStreet 3-hour seminar. The one-day free 3-hour workshop is valued at $75!
  • Under 35: For $55/ year, receive all the benefits of an Individual membership for those 35 years of age or younger.

If you would like to gift a GrubStreet membership to a writer in your life, please reach out to [email protected] for further information.